This is a picture of the remnants of the Wayland baseball
team on which Adin and I played for many years, till I threw
my shoulder out of joint throwing to second base from the
catcher's position where I always played. This ended my
career as a baseball player. I could generally hit the ball
safely (where no one was) and so was used as a pinch-hitter
and fielder in a few games.
I am sitting on the floor at your right; Adin is standing at
the end of the back row on your left. The whiskered gentlemen
are the driver, George Young (we usually drove six miles for a
game, but sometimes twelve, and once even twenty, to Geneseo
where we got licked -- and no wonder after such a drive, for
this was in the horse-and-buggy days, and we rode behind a
team of horses in a carry all with four seats under a canopy),
the "official scorer," Dick Redmon, and the catcher who took
my place. Neither Merton Rosenkranz (our usual captain) nor
Wiley Capron (our expert twirller of curves) is in the
picture, but two recent recruits (substitutes) instead,
standing behind Verne Rosenkranz at the right. Adin (a
pitcher) and I, with Bert Goodnow, John Kimmel and Louis
Souerbeer make up the rest of the nine.
The picture was not taken at any time while we were still
playing as a team, but when we got together some time
afterwards. Probably while I was working at Mt. Morris in