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[Edward Justus ANGELL and Austana Loring BOYNTON Angell]

Your grandfather, Edward Justus Angell (b. 1824, d. 1900) and his wife, Austana Loring Boynton of McClean, N.Y. (b. 1833, d. 1877).

They first settled in Binghamton, then in 1866 moved to Waverly, N.Y.

Your grandfather Angell had a wonderful sunny disposition and was a good story-teller. This made him welcome in many homes. At one time in his life he travelled through Western New York and Ohio selling pictures which could be transferred to glass and giving lessons in the process. He always could count on free lodging, for people loved to have him stay with them.

He had a market garden in the acres behind the Waverly house which he ran with the help of his son Jim. He also used to sell wood to the Lehigh Valley Railroad in the days before engines used coal.

He was a deacon in the Baptist Church, and almost single-handed raised enough money to pay off the mortgage, going out night after night to call on church members, who welcomed him even though he was pressing them for a donation to the church.

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