Reunion of the Loring family.
Your mother's Aunt Lou is on your left, with her husband,
William French, behind her. Next to her is your great
grandmother, and next to her is her brother, Mason
On the grass in front of the table is your mother's cousin,
Burton French, with his dog Tip.
The French family, particularly William and his son Loring,
were very religious. Once when Tana and I stopped in for a
visit, Aunt Lou was distressed because there was nothing in
the house to eat. She said to Uncle Will, "I hear the hens
cackling. Go and see if you can find a couple of eggs." But
he said he was too tired, so she went out and sure enough she
found some eggs. When she came in, she sat right down at the
Melodeon and began to play a hymn and all hands, except me,
sang the words. I can still see Uncle Will rocking back and
forth in front of the stove as he droned out the refrain --
"The Lord will provide, the Lord will provide."
It should be added that Uncle Will's lack of energy is
explained because he had contracted malaria while serving with
the Union Troops in the Civil War, never shook it off
entirely, and so came to depend upon the Lord -- and of course
his pension which, though not of divine origin, undoubtedly
gave more substantial assistance.